Kit- the eye rolling, ugh-not another one, no thank you 3 letter word!
What is it about this word?!

I know I ran as fast as I could from anyone that even mentioned the word kit. It just seemed like getting a kit meant I had to sell stuff. I'm talking I saw door to door in my mind. I knew I did NOT want to be the one standing in front of the room talking kits. I'm the one that avoided these parties like the plague! So there you have it- that's what I thought about a kit.
Pile on years of pushy party people & my overly priced obligatory 1-2 items politely purchased. Eventually, I stopped attending these parties & called it a day.
So, back to the kit. I think it depends on the what & why. Wait...hang on a sec & hear me out. I had been incorporating a healthy lifestyle in my home for years. I believed in anything that had to do with organic & natural (that's a story in itself for another time). I started hearing about Young Living & I blew it off. I was getting my 100% pure oils online for cheaper & no kit was needed.
There's a huge section I'm gonna skip over cuz I'm talking kits here ;) When I realized that I wasn't sourcing my oils & that I was strictly trusting a label, I paused. What was I thinking. I totally needed to know who, what, where, when & how with my oils. Geesh...I could still kick myself for that one.
Fast forward a bit more & we finally arrive at the kit. These were consumable items I was going to be using. No parties, No taking orders in a room full of people. I needed my products- my safe seed to seal farm raised oils from REAL FARMS. I knew I wanted them wholesale so here we go- sign me up. By the way, it was 1 on 1 with a very dear friend.
Here's where things get tricky. Which kit? NEVER ever be embarrassed about sharing the best bang for someone's buck. Explain it. Genuinely & honestly. I want the most for my money, don't you? We get so worried that it's too expensive that we forget it's a real good deal!
I bought the wrong kit. I didn't go with the premium starter kit. (Believe me, starter does not mean start to sell. It means start to get healthy) Back then they had different kits but there was still a premium. I went smaller & I regret it.
Wholesale price beats retail anyday. I can totally do $50 in product a year to get the cheaper price. That's all the "red tape" there is with a membership & its precious product. I'm not just handing over $50 bucks.
The premium starter kit at retail pricing is over $300 for everything included. Let me tell you, it's a ton of stuff. Wholesale $160. Hmm...I can save nearly 1/2 the amount with that kit. Are you kidding me right now! I would do it in a heartbeat. (I didn't include shipping/tax) I wish I had when I started. I really do. I love my oils & I love getting them at the wholesale price too! I've experienced the results & using these products is one of the best decisions I've made.
Kit isn't always a bad word. This kit is something real special. It all boils down to making better choices & using toxic free products in our lives. A premium start to a healthier life & home. Now that's my kind of kit!
Don't wait another day. Change requires change!