Get Thieves here
Thieves is a powerful essential oil blend that can be incorporated into every month of the year. There is a large variety of Thieves products. They contain the Thieves essential oil blend & I would encourage you to check them all out. I take quite a few of the products with me wherever I go!​
You can grab a bucket, fill 3/4 full with hot water, toss in about 1-2 Tbsp White Vinegar, 4-5 drops of Thieves & clean away. This is a muti-purpose cleaner & no rinsing is required.
I hope you discover how versatile using Thieves really is. You can use the Thieves Vitality internally & as an immune system supporter.
1 Tsp local Raw Honey with a drop of Thieves Vitality- Yum!
You can also make your own lozenges. Boiling the raw honey will lose most of the good things in the honey but its better than having ingredients you don't know. Side note: make sure your honey is raw & that there were no funny things given to the bees.
Transform your house today & get some Thieves!
Multi Purpose No Scratch Scrub
1/4 cup Baking Soda
1 tsp White Vinegar
7 drops of Lemon Essential Oil
Add in your own desired amount of Thieves. I would add in anywhere from 5-7 drops
Mix everything together with a fork until well incorporated. Store in a glass jar.
To use: dampen the surface with water, add desired amount of scrub & use a clean rag or non-scratch sponge. You can use it on sinks, counters, toilets, tubs, showers, pans & anything else that needs a good scrubbing. Rinse with warm water afterward.
DIY Lozenges
Boil 1/4 cup Raw Honey to 300 degrees.
Stir often to avoid burning. Remove from heat & let cool.
As soon as the honey is cool, add in 7-10 drops Thieves.
Place small amounts on parchment paper to cool.
Space them a good distance apart so you can cut around them & store them on the paper in a glass jar. That's it!
DIY Shower Disc
1 1/2 cup Baking Soda
2 Tbsp Organic Cornstarch
1/3 cup Water
10-15 drops Thieves
Combine all ingredients & place in a silicon baking cup sheet or in unbleached baking cup liners. Put in enough to fill bottom only. Let dry for 24 hours. Place a disc on the shower floor with you while you shower. Store in a glass jar. A mason jar would work just fine.
Daily Morning Oil Pulling
Take 1/2 to 1 Tbsp of unrefined organic coconut oil, 1 drop of Thieves vitality, 1 drop of Lemon or Orange vitality Essential Oil & place it in your mouth as soon as you get up in the morning.
Swish all around for as long as you can: try for at least 5 min but the longer the better.
Spit the oil mixture out in the garbage & then go brush your teeth with Thieves toothpaste.
Rinse your toothbrush & sink with warm water to remove all the coconut oil.
*Do not spit the coconut oil pulling mix down the sink drain. The coconut oil could harden & eventually clog your drain.