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  • Tracy

The Basics

Have you been keeping your eye on essential oils? Wondering if you should try? Have you been interested but hesitant because you're not sure what to do or where to start? Are you confused by all the mixed information online? Then this blog is for you!

First things first. Essential oils that are grown on a farm, not created as a synthetic in a factory, are the way to go.

Price does matter. Cheap means steer clear. Farming costs for growing, harvesting & distilling are going to be part of a pure, quality oil.

These crazy cheap "oils" that have crawled out of the woodwork & are seen in nearly every supermarket or store are a result of trying to cash in on a trend. It's not worth the risk. Safety for you, your family & pets matters.

Let's get going on the basics!

Therapeutic grade essential oils are highly concentrated so less is more. No two people are the same so start with 1-2 drops & work your way up when ready.

Your specific health, immune system & PH level play into your response to essential oils. There is no one shoe fits all usage chart.

Avoid putting oils directly into your eyes & ears. The tissue is too delicate. If you accidentally do get some in then don't flush with water. Water spreads it. Take some coconut, olive or another cooking oil & dab the area. The two oils will attract.

Citrus oils are photo-sensitive so avoid applying & going directly into the sun for about 48 hours. In the summer months, I use the bottom of my feet for citrus.

"Hot" oils, oils that warm the skin when applied, are clove, cinnamon, lemongrass, thyme, oregano, etc. & need to be used carefully. Each person will be different on location & amount. You can find a more detailed list by searching online.

Be careful with your hands after topically applying oils. Avoid touching your face for a bit. Lots of people like to use rollerbottles instead. It's all personal preference. Plus, rollerbottles are great for on the go needs!

Essential oils can be used directly on skin with care. Carrier oils are great to mix in before you apply. Unrefined, organic, cold pressed are my favorites. Here are some ideas for carrier oils & butters.

Essential oils are not greasy. Carrier oils are the ones that have an oily feel.

The 3 Basic Usage Methods:

Diffuse/Aromatherapy - Diffusers put oils in the air to freshen, support & ease emotions. You can also inhale the aroma directly from the bottle as needed.

Topically - Applying oils directly on the skin, diluted with a carrier oil or undiluted (also called "neat"). Oils absorb very quickly.

The feet are the first place to start. They have very large pores & are easy to use. You can make DIY body product recipes to use. Get creative! There are so many possibilities. The more you use them & experiment then the better it gets!

Internal/Dietary - Young Living Vitality oils are labeled as approved for dietary usage. Follow the directions on the label. You can cook with them too. Start with 1 drop to season your recipe & then taste. Continue with 1 drop at a time until you get the desired flavor.

Support emotions with your favorite oils by smelling, using a diffuser, wearing a diffuser necklace & applying topically. It's easy to learn which ones support emotions! Lavender, Orange & more. Everyone responds uniquely to certain aromas.

The Premium Starter Kit is the biggest bang for your buck & there's tons of reference materials to help you succeed in using the products. I can help you with all of that.

Don't fear pure oils. Back in the day, they were a normal part of life. The right oils used properly can be a game changer! I know they have transformed our lives & home!

You can stop using harmful toxins to clean & switch them out with homemade cleaners you can make with your oils.

Pick 1 thing you want to work on. Home or self. Start there to avoid becoming overwhelmed. Add in 1-2 new things each week.

Therapeutic grade oils are safe for little ones. For topical, they require less drops & a carrier oil. There are specific safe oil lists available in many books & online.

Replace all your hazardous air fresheners & candles with diffusers or DIY yummy smelling sprays.

Stop there. Become comfortable using oils for awhile. Before you know it, you'll be supporting lots of different body systems, emotions, muscles, aches & pains, cleaning, enhancing concentration & so much more!

The basics can't happen unless you decide to get off the sidelines & start this oil thing! I'd love to help you. I've been using these oils since 2012. I switched out nearly everything in my house. It's one of the best decisions I've ever made. There are so many ways that we use them.

Changed. My. Life.

You are 1 decision away from change ❤️



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